Maisha Girls Safe HouseMaisha Girls Safe HouseMaisha Girls Safe House
(254) 718 428 754

A Sports Funday

In December 2023, we organized a vibrant sports fun day that brought together more than 100 students from the Viwandani community, offering them an exciting and engaging experience through various athletic activities. The students explored new interests and abilities through participating in football matches, sack races, egg-and-spoon races, and tug-of-war competitions.

They were introduced to important life skills such as teamwork, resilience, discipline, and perseverance—skills that will serve them well, especially during the school break.

A significant highlight of the day was the participation of 30 students who are beneficiaries of the Drammen Maisha scholarship project, showcasing the impact of this initiative in empowering young people in the community. This sports day was a meaningful opportunity for these students to connect with their peers, build confidence, and engage in activities that promote personal growth and development.

Overall, the sports fun day was a resounding success, fostering a sense of unity and inspiring the students to aim higher, both on and off the field. It reinforced the importance of combining fun with learning, helping shape the next generation with valuable skills for their future.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)