Maisha Girls Safe HouseMaisha Girls Safe HouseMaisha Girls Safe House
(254) 718 428 754

Day of the African Child 2022

MGSH played a role in organizing the Day of the African Child (DAC) 2022 celebration in Nairobi County.  The event brought together 2,000 children from schools across the region, engaging them in various activities aimed at both entertaining and educating them.

A key focus of the event was on empowering the children with vital knowledge about body safety rules and raising their awareness of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Through fun and accessible activities, they left with memorable experiences and better informed about their rights and the importance of body safety.

The DAC 2022 celebration served as a powerful platform for educating young minds while fostering a sense of community and awareness. MGSH is proud to have contributed to this significant event, helping to shape a brighter, safer future for the children of Nairobi County.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)