Maisha Girls Safe HouseMaisha Girls Safe HouseMaisha Girls Safe House
(254) 718 428 754

Project Launch “Safe and Thriving Survivors”

In January 2024, we launched a new project called “Safe and Thriving Survivors.” In collaboration with the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (EVAW), this three-year project aims to make a lasting impact by enhancing access to essential, safe, and comprehensive services for women and girls who are survivors of violence. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the global effort to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) by empowering survivors and ensuring they have the support they need to rebuild their lives.

The project is being implemented in the Makadara and Kamukunji sub counties, where the need for strong multi-sectoral support services is particularly urgent. Through this initiative, we aim to strengthen the coordination between different sectors, including healthcare, legal services, psychosocial support, and law enforcement, ensuring that survivors of violence receive holistic and responsive care. By improving access to these critical services, we will help create safer environments where women and girls can thrive, free from the threat of violence.

Over the next three years, we are committed to working closely with local communities, service providers, and stakeholders to ensure the success of the “Safe and Thriving Survivors” project, ultimately contributing to a future where no woman or girl has to live in fear of sexual violence.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)